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বিশেষ সতর্কতা : এক ওয়াইফাই থেকে একাধিক আইডি ব্যবহার করলে যে কোন সময় আইডি ব্যান হবে।
রেফারেল মেম্বারের প্রতি উইড্রতে 15% বোনাস আপনার একাউন্টে যোগ হবে। বেশি আয় করতে আজি বেশি বেশি রেফারেল বাড়ান।
সাইট সম্পকিত সকল আপডেট পেতে FB Group এ জয়েন হয়ে নিন। Proxy ip ব্যবহার করা এবং এক ব্যক্তি বা আইপি থেকে একাধিক একাউন্ট যে কোন সময় ব্যান করে দেওয়া হবে। অনুগ্রহ করে পক্সি কাজ থেকে বিরত থাকুন। Minimum Withdraw 20 TK Only for Mobile Recharge

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Bonus Task (3 Credits Per Bonus)
বোনাস পেইজে বেনাস নেওয়ার সময় একটি এড ১মিনিট না দেখে Collect Your Bonus এ ক্লিক করলে আইডি ব্যান হবে এবং পেমেন্ট বাতিল হবে সাবধান !

Task 3 (Read News Earn Money)***Unlimited Task
অন্য টাস্কগুলো থেকে এটি অনেক সহজ নতুনরা প্রথমে এই টাস্কটি দেখতে পারেন।
Task 4 (Search News From Google) Pre Task= .45 to start Credit
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Recent News (Per News Read = .30 Credits)

Great Student Discount insurance | visaxpresbd.net

What Is a Good Student Discount?

The term great understudy markdown alludes to an accident coverage strategy rebate accessible to youthful drivers who procure passing marks in school. This markdown expects that youthful drivers who are mindful with regards to their investigations are bound to be capable drivers. Accordingly, they have the right to pay lower protection expenses since they are more uncertain than teenagers with less than stellar scores to record a case with their insurance agency. A decent understudy markdown gives a motivating force to do well in school, as teens face probably the most noteworthy protection expenses.



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news added your vehicle Insurance | visaxpresbd.net

your vehicle Insurance Discover answers to your vehicle Insurance questions, including what strategy is ideal for you, Insurance rules, and estimating.

It s a sight that nobody needs to see. You re strolling back to your vehicle to go to your next objective and not too far off stuck under a windshield wiper is a long piece of paper. You promptly know what that implies—you ve quite recently gotten a stopping ticket. While your day might be destroyed, you can basically take comfort in realizing this ticket will littly affect your remaining as a driver.


Guarantors for the most part care about your wellbeing propensities a

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Insurance is an agreement | visaxpresbd.net

What Is Insurance?

Insurance is an agreement, addressed by an approach, where an individual or substance gets monetary security or repayment against misfortunes from an insurance agency. The organization pools customers dangers to make installments more moderate for the protected.

Insurance approaches are utilized to fence against the danger of monetary misfortunes, both of all shapes and sizes, that might result from harm to the safeguarded or her property.

How Insurance Works

There is a huge number of various kinds of Insurance arrangements accessible, and basically any individual or business can discover an insurance agency

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The principle establishments of law | visaxpresbd.net

The principle establishments of law in industrialized nations are autonomous courts, agent parliaments, a responsible leader, the military and police, regulatory association, the lawful calling and common society itself. John Locke, in his Two Treatises of Government, and Baron de Montesquieu in The Spirit of the Laws, upheld for a partition of forces between the political, council and chief bodies. Their rule was that no individual ought to have the option to usurp all forces of the state, rather than the absolutist hypothesis of Thomas Hobbes Leviathan. Sun Yat-sen s Five Power Constitution for the Republic of China took the detachment of forces further by having two extra parts of gover

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Standard law is a bunch of mandates | visaxpresbd.net

Standard law (from Greek kanon, a straight estimating pole, ruler ) is a bunch of mandates and guidelines made by religious power (Church authority), for the public authority of a Christian association or church and its individuals. It is the interior religious law administering the Catholic Church (both the Latin Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches), the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox temples, and the individual public holy places inside the Anglican Communion. The way that such church law is enacted, deciphered and on occasion arbitrated differs generally among these three collections of places of worship. In every one of the three practices, an ordinance was initially a sta

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Top News (Per News Read = .30 Credit)

একোয়ারিয়াম অসম্ভব সুন্দর ও শৌখিন | visaxpresbd.net

একোয়ারিয়াম হচ্ছে বাসা বাড়ি সাজানোর একটি অসম্ভব সুন্দর ও শৌখিন একটি বস্তু হিসেবে পরিচিত।এটিকে সাধারণত এই যুগে রুম ডেকোরেশনের জন্য অনেক জনপ্রিয় একটি আসবাব এর আওতায় ফালানো হয়েছে। এটি জলচর প্রানী রাখার (মাছ অথবা অন্যান্য) বিশেষ ধরনের একটি জায়গা এবং এর মধ্যে এদের বেচে থাকার সকল ধরনের উপাদান সরবরাহ করা হয়। মানুষ শখের বশবর্তী হয়ে এতে অন্যান্য অনেক জলচর জিনিস ও রাখতে পারেন।আপাত চলমান ধারায় মাছ ই একোরিয়ামের আকষর্ণ ধরে রাখতে সর্বোচ্চ স্থানে অবস্থান করছে। একোয়ারিয়াম শব্দটি প্রাচীন ল্যাটিন ভাষা থেকে এসেছে যার "একোয়া" শব্দের অর্থ "জল" আর "আরিয়াম" অর্থ "একটি জায়গা"। সাধারনত একোয়ারিয়াম টি বাসায়, ব্যাবসা প্রতিষ্ঠানে,কলেজ,বিশ্ব্যবিদ্যালয়,অফিস যেকোন জায়গার শোভা বাড়িয়ে তুলতে অতুলনীয় ভুমিকা পালন করে।যিনি একোয়ারিয়াম সংরক্ষন করেন তাকে একোয়ারিস্ট বলা হয়ে থাকে। একো

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The historical backdrop of law interfaces The historical backdrop of law interfaces

The historical backdrop of law interfaces near the advancement of civilization. Old Egyptian law, dating as far back as 3000 BC, depended on the idea of Ma at and described by custom, logical discourse, social correspondence and fair-mindedness. By the 22nd century BC, the antiquated Sumerian ruler Ur-Nammu had figured the primary law code, which comprised of casuistic explanations ( in the event that …, ... ). Around 1760 BC, King Hammurabi further created Babylonian law, by classifying and engraving it in stone. Hammurabi set a few duplicates of his law code all through the realm of Babylon as stelae, for the whole open to see; this got known as the Codex Hammurabi. The most flawless duplicate of these stelae was found in the nineteenth century by British Assyriologists, and has since been completely transcribed and converted into different dialects, including English, Italian, German, and French. The Old Testament traces all the way back to 1280 BC and appears as good objectives as suggestions for a decent society. The little Greek city-state, antiquated Athens, from about the eighth century BC was the primary society to be founded on wide consideration of its populace, barring ladies and the slave class. Nonetheless, Athens had no lawful science or single word for law , depending rather on the three-path qualification between divine law (thémis), human pronouncement (nomos) and custom (díkē). However Ancient Greek law contained significant established advancements in the improvement of vote based system. Roman law was vigorously impacted by Greek way of thinking, yet its itemized rules were created by proficient legal scholars and were profoundly complex. Over the course of the hundreds of years between the ascent and decrease of the Roman Empire, law was adjusted to adapt to the changing social circumstances and went through significant codification under Theodosius II and Justinian I. In spite of the fact that codes were supplanted by custom and

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মাসোহারা দিয়েই মহাসড়কের সীতাকুণ্ড নিষিদ্ধ সিএনজি অটো রিক্সা

চট্টগ্রাম কোন ভাবেই বন্ধ করা যাচ্ছে না ঢাকা-চট্টগ্রাম মহাসড়কের সীতাকুণ্ড অংশে অবৈধ যান চলাচল। ২০১৬ সালে সড়ক পরিবহন ও সেতু মন্ত্রনালয়ের জারি করা নিষেধাজ্ঞার পরও বন্ধ হয়নি এসব যান চলাচল। নিষেধজ্ঞাকে রীতিমত বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুলি দেখিয়ে প্রতিদিন দেদারছে চলছে মহাসড়কে এসব অবৈধ যান। পুলিশের সাথে মাসোহারার বিনিময়ে কিছু ড্রাইভার এসব অবৈধ গাড়ি চালাচ্ছেন বলে জানান তারা। সিএনজি চালক জালাল বলেন, মহাসড়কটিতে তিনি অবাধেই সিএনজি চালাচ্ছেন। কোথাও কোন পুলিশ কিংবা স্থানীয় প্রশাসনের কেউ তাকে বাধা দেয় না। পুলিশকে মাসোহারা দিয়েইতো গাড়ি চালাতে হয়। সরেজমিন দেখা যায়, কিছুক্ষণ পর পর একটি-দুটি করে সিএনজি অটোরিকশা সীতাকুণ্ড সদর থেকে মহাসড়ক হয়ে বাড়বকুণ্ড এলাকায় যাতায়াত করছে।

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রাঙ্গামাটিয়া উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের আজীবন দাতা সদস্য হলেন মেয়র ইসমাইল

ফটিকছড়ির রাঙ্গামাটিয়া উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের আজীবন দাতা সদস্য হলেন ফটিকছড়ি পৌরসভার মেয়র আলহাজ্ব ইসমাইল হোসেন। শনিবার (১ ফেব্রুয়ারী) দুপুরে এক সংক্ষিপ্ত অনুষ্ঠানের মাধ্যমে তাকে আজীবন দাতা হিসেবে বরণ করে নেন স্কুলের সভাপতি মুহাম্মদ সরোয়ার উদ্দীন। এসময় প্রতিষ্ঠানের পক্ষ থেকে গভর্ণিং বোডির সভাপতি, সদস্য এবং প্রধান শিক্ষকসহ সবাই নব আজীবন সদস্য মেয়রকে অান্তরিক অভিনন্দন জানান। মেয়র ইসমাইল বলেন আমি আজ গর্বিত শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের সাথে সংযুক্ত হয়ে। আমি চেষ্টা করব অত্র প্রতিষ্ঠানের যে কোন কর্মকান্ডে নিজেকে উৎসর্গ করার।

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Loan gives an impetus to the moneylender | visaxpresbd.net

In account, an advance is the loaning of cash by at least one people, associations, or different substances to others, associations and so forth The beneficiary (i.e., the borrower) causes an obligation and is generally at risk to pay interest on that obligation until it is reimbursed just as to reimburse the chief sum acquired. The report confirming the obligation (e.g., a promissory note) will regularly indicate, in addition to other things, the chief measure of cash acquired, the loan cost the bank is charging, and the date of reimbursement. An advance involves the redistribution of the subject asset(s) for a while, between the bank and the borrower. The interest gives an impetus to the moneylender to take part in the credit. In a lawful credit, every one of these commitments and limitations is authorized by contract, which can likewise put the borrower under extra limitations known as advance agreements. Albeit this article centers around money related advances, by and by, any material item may be loaned. Going about as a supplier of advances is one of the primary exercises of monetary establishments, for example, banks and Mastercard organizations. For different organizations, giving of obligation agreements, for example, securities is a regular wellspring of financing. A got credit is a type of obligation wherein the borrower promises some resource (i.e., a vehicle, a house) as security. A home loan credit is a typical kind of advance, utilized by numerous people to buy private property. The loan specialist, normally a monetary foundation, is given security – a lien on the title to the property – until the home loan is settled up on off completely. On account of home credits, if the borrower defaults on the advance, the bank would have the lawful option to repossess the house and offer it, to recuperate totals inferable from it. Essentially, an advance taken out to purchase a vehicle might be gotten by the vehicle. The term of the a

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Kaptai Lake is the largest lake in Bangladesh | visaxpresbd.net

Kaptai Lake is the largest lake in Bangladesh. It is located in the Kaptai Upazila under Rangamati District of Chittagong Division. The lake was created as a result of building the Kaptai Dam on the Karnaphuli River, as part of the Karnaphuli Hydro-electric project. the largest man-made freshwater body in Bangladesh. Though created primarily for hydroelectric power generation, it contributes to produce significant quantity of freshwater fishes, navigation, flood control and agriculture, etc.

The reservoir was created by damming the river KARNAFULI near KAPTAI town in the CHITTAGONG HILL TRACTS (Latitude 22°09 N and Longitude 92°17 E). The lake is confined within the hill district RANGAMATI and embraces the upazilas of Rangamati Sadar, Kaptai, Nannerchar, Langadu, Baghaichhari, Barkal, Juraichhari and Belaichhari. The H -shaped Kaptai Lake has two arms, joined by a narrow gorge near Shubalong, a part of the old Karnafuli river. Kasalong, the right arm of the lake, is fed by two streams, the Mayni and the KASALONG, in the north and laterally by the Karnafuli.

The left arm, Rangamati-Kaptai is fed by two streams, the Chengi in the north and the RINKHYONG in the south. The Karnafuli forms three prominent loops one at Rangamati, one at Dhuliachhari and the other at Kaptai. The Rangamati and the Dhuliachhari loops are now under the reservoir of the earth-filled DAM. The Kaptai Lake has drowned almost the whole of the middle-Karnafuli valley and the lower reaches of the Chengi, Kasalong and Rinkhyong rivers.

The shoreline and the basin of Kaptai Lake are very irregular. By the early 1990s, in its 30-year existence, it had already lost about 25% of its volume due to siltation. Apart from generation of hydroelectricity, the lake has become an important resource for some other considerations. It has created a diversified and long waterway. Many places that used to take a day or even more to reach have now become an hour s trip by speed

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মাসোহারা দিয়েই মহাসড়কের সীতাকুণ্ড নিষিদ্ধ সিএনজি অটো রিক্সা

চট্টগ্রাম কোন ভাবেই বন্ধ করা যাচ্ছে না ঢাকা-চট্টগ্রাম মহাসড়কের সীতাকুণ্ড অংশে অবৈধ যান চলাচল। ২০১৬ সালে সড়ক পরিবহন ও সেতু মন্ত্রনালয়ের জারি করা নিষেধাজ্ঞার পরও বন্ধ হয়নি এসব যান চলাচল। নিষেধজ্ঞাকে রীতিমত বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুলি দেখিয়ে প্রতিদিন দেদারছে চলছে মহাসড়কে এসব অবৈধ যান। পুলিশের সাথে মাসোহারার বিনিময়ে কিছু ড্রাইভার এসব অবৈধ গাড়ি চালাচ্ছেন বলে জানান তারা। সিএনজি চালক জালাল বলেন, মহাসড়কটিতে তিনি অবাধেই সিএনজি চালাচ্ছেন। কোথাও কোন পুলিশ কিংবা স্থানীয় প্রশাসনের কেউ তাকে বাধা দেয় না। পুলিশকে মাসোহারা দিয়েইতো গাড়ি চালাতে হয়। সরেজমিন দেখা যায়, কিছুক্ষণ পর পর একটি-দুটি করে সিএনজি অটোরিকশা সীতাকুণ্ড সদর থেকে মহাসড়ক হয়ে বাড়বকুণ্ড এলাকায় যাতায়াত করছে।

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In customary law overall sets of laws | visaxpresbd.net

In customary law overall sets of laws, choices by courts are expressly recognized as law on equivalent balance with rules embraced through the authoritative cycle and with guidelines gave by the presidential branch. The precept of point of reference , or gaze decisis (Latin for to remain by choices ) implies that choices by higher courts tie lower courts, and future choices of a similar court, to guarantee that comparative cases arrive at comparative outcomes.

Interestingly, in common law frameworks, authoritative rules are ordinarily more point by point, and legal choices are more limited and less definite, in light of the fact that the adjudicator or attorney is just composition to choose the single case, instead of to set out thinking that will manage future courts.

Custom-based law began from England and has been acquired by pretty much every country once attached to the British Empire (with the exception of Malta, Scotland, the U.S. territory of Louisiana, and the Canadian region of Quebec).

In archaic England, the Norman success the law changed shire-to-shire, in light of different ancestral traditions. The idea of a custom-based law created during the rule of Henry II during the late twelfth century, when Henry selected adjudicators that had position to make a systematized and brought together arrangement of law regular to the country. The following significant advance in the development of the custom-based law came when King John was constrained by his nobles to sign a report restricting his power to pass laws. This extraordinary contract or Magna Carta of 1215 additionally necessitated that the King s escort of judges hold their courts and decisions at a specific spot as opposed to administering dictatorial equity in flighty spots about the country. A concentrated and first class gathering of judges obtained a prevailing part in law-production under this framework, and contrasted with its European partners the English le

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Great Student Discount insurance | visaxpresbd.net

What Is a Good Student Discount?

The term great understudy markdown alludes to an accident coverage strategy rebate accessible to youthful drivers who procure passing marks in school. This markdown expects that youthful drivers who are mindful with regards to their investigations are bound to be capable drivers. Accordingly, they have the right to pay lower protection expenses since they are more uncertain than teenagers with less than stellar scores to record a case with their insurance agency. A decent understudy markdown gives a motivating force to do well in school, as teens face probably the most noteworthy protection expenses.



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news added your vehicle Insurance | visaxpresbd.net

your vehicle Insurance Discover answers to your vehicle Insurance questions, including what strategy is ideal for you, Insurance rules, and estimating.

It s a sight that nobody needs to see. You re strolling back to your vehicle to go to your next objective and not too far off stuck under a windshield wiper is a long piece of paper. You promptly know what that implies—you ve quite recently gotten a stopping ticket. While your day might be destroyed, you can basically take comfort in realizing this ticket will littly affect your remaining as a driver.


Guarantors for the most part care about your wellbeing propensities a

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Insurance is an agreement | visaxpresbd.net

What Is Insurance?

Insurance is an agreement, addressed by an approach, where an individual or substance gets monetary security or repayment against misfortunes from an insurance agency. The organization pools customers dangers to make installments more moderate for the protected.

Insurance approaches are utilized to fence against the danger of monetary misfortunes, both of all shapes and sizes, that might result from harm to the safeguarded or her property.

How Insurance Works

There is a huge number of various kinds of Insurance arrangements accessible, and basically any individual or business can discover an insurance agency

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The principle establishments of law | visaxpresbd.net

The principle establishments of law in industrialized nations are autonomous courts, agent parliaments, a responsible leader, the military and police, regulatory association, the lawful calling and common society itself. John Locke, in his Two Treatises of Government, and Baron de Montesquieu in The Spirit of the Laws, upheld for a partition of forces between the political, council and chief bodies. Their rule was that no individual ought to have the option to usurp all forces of the state, rather than the absolutist hypothesis of Thomas Hobbes Leviathan. Sun Yat-sen s Five Power Constitution for the Republic of China took the detachment of forces further by having two extra parts of gover

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Standard law is a bunch of mandates | visaxpresbd.net

Standard law (from Greek kanon, a straight estimating pole, ruler ) is a bunch of mandates and guidelines made by religious power (Church authority), for the public authority of a Christian association or church and its individuals. It is the interior religious law administering the Catholic Church (both the Latin Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches), the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox temples, and the individual public holy places inside the Anglican Communion. The way that such church law is enacted, deciphered and on occasion arbitrated differs generally among these three collections of places of worship. In every one of the three practices, an ordinance was initially a sta

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