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সাময়িকভাবে সব কার্যক্রম বন্ধ

বিশেষ সতর্কতা : এক ওয়াইফাই থেকে একাধিক আইডি ব্যবহার করলে যে কোন সময় আইডি ব্যান হবে।
রেফারেল মেম্বারের প্রতি উইড্রতে 15% বোনাস আপনার একাউন্টে যোগ হবে। বেশি আয় করতে আজি বেশি বেশি রেফারেল বাড়ান।
সাইট সম্পকিত সকল আপডেট পেতে FB Group এ জয়েন হয়ে নিন। Proxy ip ব্যবহার করা এবং এক ব্যক্তি বা আইপি থেকে একাধিক একাউন্ট যে কোন সময় ব্যান করে দেওয়া হবে। অনুগ্রহ করে পক্সি কাজ থেকে বিরত থাকুন। Minimum Withdraw 20 TK Only for Mobile Recharge

হেল্প লাইন: 01521325412 ( রাত ৮ থেকে ১০ টা)

Today's Credit Rate:
650 Credits = 80TK


আইডি ব্যান হলে কি করবেন?
:: এক wifi দিয়ে একাধিক আইডি আমরা Allow করিনা - জরুরী নোটিশ ::
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Bonus Task (3 Credits Per Bonus)
বোনাস পেইজে বেনাস নেওয়ার সময় একটি এড ১মিনিট না দেখে Collect Your Bonus এ ক্লিক করলে আইডি ব্যান হবে এবং পেমেন্ট বাতিল হবে সাবধান !

Task 3 (Read News Earn Money)***Unlimited Task
অন্য টাস্কগুলো থেকে এটি অনেক সহজ নতুনরা প্রথমে এই টাস্কটি দেখতে পারেন।
Task 4 (Search News From Google) Pre Task= .45 to start Credit
যে কোন একটি নিউজ টাইটেল কপি করে গুগলে সার্চ দিন । প্রথমে আসা নিউজ লিংকটিতে ক্লিক দিন

Recent News (Per News Read = .30 Credits)

Great Student Discount insurance | visaxpresbd.net

What Is a Good Student Discount?

The term great understudy markdown alludes to an accident coverage strategy rebate accessible to youthful drivers who procure passing marks in school. This markdown expects that youthful drivers who are mindful with regards to their investigations are bound to be capable drivers. Accordingly, they have the right to pay lower protection expenses since they are more uncertain than teenagers with less than stellar scores to record a case with their insurance agency. A decent understudy markdown gives a motivating force to do well in school, as teens face probably the most noteworthy protection expenses.



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news added your vehicle Insurance | visaxpresbd.net

your vehicle Insurance Discover answers to your vehicle Insurance questions, including what strategy is ideal for you, Insurance rules, and estimating.

It s a sight that nobody needs to see. You re strolling back to your vehicle to go to your next objective and not too far off stuck under a windshield wiper is a long piece of paper. You promptly know what that implies—you ve quite recently gotten a stopping ticket. While your day might be destroyed, you can basically take comfort in realizing this ticket will littly affect your remaining as a driver.


Guarantors for the most part care about your wellbeing propensities a

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Insurance is an agreement | visaxpresbd.net

What Is Insurance?

Insurance is an agreement, addressed by an approach, where an individual or substance gets monetary security or repayment against misfortunes from an insurance agency. The organization pools customers dangers to make installments more moderate for the protected.

Insurance approaches are utilized to fence against the danger of monetary misfortunes, both of all shapes and sizes, that might result from harm to the safeguarded or her property.

How Insurance Works

There is a huge number of various kinds of Insurance arrangements accessible, and basically any individual or business can discover an insurance agency

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The principle establishments of law | visaxpresbd.net

The principle establishments of law in industrialized nations are autonomous courts, agent parliaments, a responsible leader, the military and police, regulatory association, the lawful calling and common society itself. John Locke, in his Two Treatises of Government, and Baron de Montesquieu in The Spirit of the Laws, upheld for a partition of forces between the political, council and chief bodies. Their rule was that no individual ought to have the option to usurp all forces of the state, rather than the absolutist hypothesis of Thomas Hobbes Leviathan. Sun Yat-sen s Five Power Constitution for the Republic of China took the detachment of forces further by having two extra parts of gover

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Standard law is a bunch of mandates | visaxpresbd.net

Standard law (from Greek kanon, a straight estimating pole, ruler ) is a bunch of mandates and guidelines made by religious power (Church authority), for the public authority of a Christian association or church and its individuals. It is the interior religious law administering the Catholic Church (both the Latin Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches), the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox temples, and the individual public holy places inside the Anglican Communion. The way that such church law is enacted, deciphered and on occasion arbitrated differs generally among these three collections of places of worship. In every one of the three practices, an ordinance was initially a sta

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Top News (Per News Read = .30 Credit)

ফটিকছড়িতে কোয়ারেন্টাইন না মানায় প্রবাসীকে জরিমানা

হোম কোয়ারেন্টাইনে না থেকে বাইরে ঘুরা-ফেরা করায় ফটিকছড়ি উপজেলার লেলাং ইউনিয়নে ৩ প্রবাসীকে জরিমানা করেছে ভ্রাম্যমাণ আদালত। শুক্রবার সন্ধ্যায় উপজেলা সহকারী কমিশনার (ভূমি) ও নির্বাহী ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট মোঃ জানে আলম ভ্রাম্যমান আদালত পরিচালনা করে এ জরিমানা আদায় করেন। এসময় ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট আরো ৩ প্রবাসীকে সতর্ক করেন। স্থানীয় ইউপি চেয়ারম্যান সরোয়ার উদ্দিন চৌধুরী শাহীন জানান,সরকারী নির্দেশনা মোতাবেক ১৪দিনের হোম কোয়ারেন্টাইনে না থেকে ৩ প্রবাসী স্বাভাবিকভাবে হাট-বাজার সহ বাইরে ঘুরা-ফেরা করছিল। খবর পেয়ে নির্বাহী ম্যাজিস্ট্রেট ভ্রাম্যমাণ আদালতের মাধ্যমে ৩জন প্রবাসীকে ১০ হাজার টাকা করে মোট ৩০হাজার টাকা জরিমানা করেন। চেয়ারম্যান আরো বলেন- প্রাশাসনের কাছে তথ্য আছে বিদেশ ফেরত কারা হোম কোয়ারেন্টাইনে না থেকে বাইরে চলা-ফেরা করছে। সুতারাং এখানে আমাদের করার কি

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Loan is the loaning of cash by at least one people | visaxpresbd.net

The term advance alludes to a sort of credit vehicle wherein an amount of cash is loaned to another gathering in return for future reimbursement of the worth or chief sum. By and large, the moneylender likewise adds revenue as well as account charges to the chief worth which the borrower should reimburse notwithstanding the chief equilibrium. Advances might be for a particular, once sum, or they might be accessible as a free finished credit extension up to a predefined limit. Advances come in various structures including got, unstable, business, and individual credits. KEY TAKEAWAYS An advance is when cash is given to another gathering in return for reimbursement of the advance chief sum in addition to revenue. Advance terms are consented to by each gathering before any cash is progressed. An advance might be gotten by insurance, for example, a home loan or it could be unstable, for example, a charge card. Spinning credits or lines can be spent, reimbursed, and spent once more, while term advances are fixed-rate, fixed-installment advances. Getting Loans A credit is a type of obligation caused by an individual or other substance. The loan specialist—normally a partnership, monetary foundation, or government—progresses an amount of cash to the borrower. Consequently, the borrower consents to a specific arrangement of terms including any money charges, premium, reimbursement date, and different conditions. Sometimes, the moneylender may expect guarantee to get the credit and guarantee reimbursement. Advances may likewise appear as bonds and testaments of store (CDs). It is additionally conceivable to take a credit from a 401(k) account. Advance Heres the manner by which the advance cycle works. At the point when somebody needs cash, they apply for a credit from a bank, organization, government, or other substance. The borrower might be needed to give explicit subtleties like the justification the credit, their monetary history,

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ভিসা ফরম পূরণ কিভাবে করতে হবে ? visaxpresbd.net

ভারতীয় ভিসা ফরম পূরণ করার সময় একটা Temporary ID দিবে। এইটা লিখে রাখুন। কোন কারণে সার্ভারে সমস্যা থাকলে বা আপনি বাকি অংশ পরে পুরন করতে চাইলে এই লিংকে গিয়ে ‘Complete Partially Filled Form’ এ ক্লিক করে Temporary ID ও ক্যাপচা দিয়ে আবার আগের জায়গা থেকে শুরু করতে পারেবেন। ফর্ম পুরন হয়ে গেলে আর নিজে এডিট করতে পারবেন না। তবে আবেদন কেন্দ্রে গেলে ওরা ঠিক করে দিবে, কিন্তু ফি ৩০০ টাকা। ফর্ম পুরন করার পর ওই দিনসহ মোট ৯ দিন ফর্ম ভ্যালিড থাকে। তার মানে ওইদিন বাদ দিলে আর ৮ দিনের মাঝে জমা দিতে হবে, না হলে এক্সপায়ার হয়ে যাবে। জরুরি তথ্যগুলো সতর্কতার সাথে, পাসপোর্ট দেখে পুরন করুন। যেমন নামের বানান, জন্ম তারিখ, পাসপোর্ট নাম্বার ও অন্যান্য তথ্য। ২. প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজপত্রাদি সংগ্রহ যেসব কাগজপত্র পাসপোর্ট ও ফর্মের সাথে দিতে হবে তা উপরে সংক্ষপে বলা হয়েছে। এখানে বিস্তারিত তুলে ধরা হল। আপনি অফিয়াল ওয়েবসাইট হতেও দে

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রাঙ্গামাটিয়া উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের আজীবন দাতা সদস্য হলেন মেয়র ইসমাইল

ফটিকছড়ির রাঙ্গামাটিয়া উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের আজীবন দাতা সদস্য হলেন ফটিকছড়ি পৌরসভার মেয়র আলহাজ্ব ইসমাইল হোসেন। শনিবার (১ ফেব্রুয়ারী) দুপুরে এক সংক্ষিপ্ত অনুষ্ঠানের মাধ্যমে তাকে আজীবন দাতা হিসেবে বরণ করে নেন স্কুলের সভাপতি মুহাম্মদ সরোয়ার উদ্দীন। এসময় প্রতিষ্ঠানের পক্ষ থেকে গভর্ণিং বোডির সভাপতি, সদস্য এবং প্রধান শিক্ষকসহ সবাই নব আজীবন সদস্য মেয়রকে অান্তরিক অভিনন্দন জানান। মেয়র ইসমাইল বলেন আমি আজ গর্বিত শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের সাথে সংযুক্ত হয়ে। আমি চেষ্টা করব অত্র প্রতিষ্ঠানের যে কোন কর্মকান্ডে নিজেকে উৎসর্গ করার।

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Pen tool is a part of Illustrator.Illustrator is a part of Grapics Design.pen tool is the most important tool in Illustrator.Now, I am going to telling you how to use this tool. *Actually we use the pen tool to create drawing paths. You can create custom shape and complicated curves that can be scaled easily.by accessing the expanded Pen tool,you can add delete and covert points on your drawing path.it has 8 types.As 1.Ready to draw a path.2 Position over a path to add a point.3 position point over to remove a point. 4.Position point over end of an open path to countinue drawing that payh with the pan tool.5. Close a path.6. Countinue drawing a path 7.Position the pointrt over a point and the convert point icon appears. 8.When the ALT(Windows) or option (Mac OS) Key is held down , it converts to the convert Anchor point tool. *Its allow you to define your own anchor points, as well as adjust the curve associated with those anchors, simply by manipulating two control points associated with each anchor. In other words, to create a line, you first define two anchor points. THANK YOU

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মাসোহারা দিয়েই মহাসড়কের সীতাকুণ্ড নিষিদ্ধ সিএনজি অটো রিক্সা

চট্টগ্রাম কোন ভাবেই বন্ধ করা যাচ্ছে না ঢাকা-চট্টগ্রাম মহাসড়কের সীতাকুণ্ড অংশে অবৈধ যান চলাচল। ২০১৬ সালে সড়ক পরিবহন ও সেতু মন্ত্রনালয়ের জারি করা নিষেধাজ্ঞার পরও বন্ধ হয়নি এসব যান চলাচল। নিষেধজ্ঞাকে রীতিমত বৃদ্ধাঙ্গুলি দেখিয়ে প্রতিদিন দেদারছে চলছে মহাসড়কে এসব অবৈধ যান। পুলিশের সাথে মাসোহারার বিনিময়ে কিছু ড্রাইভার এসব অবৈধ গাড়ি চালাচ্ছেন বলে জানান তারা। সিএনজি চালক জালাল বলেন, মহাসড়কটিতে তিনি অবাধেই সিএনজি চালাচ্ছেন। কোথাও কোন পুলিশ কিংবা স্থানীয় প্রশাসনের কেউ তাকে বাধা দেয় না। পুলিশকে মাসোহারা দিয়েইতো গাড়ি চালাতে হয়। সরেজমিন দেখা যায়, কিছুক্ষণ পর পর একটি-দুটি করে সিএনজি অটোরিকশা সীতাকুণ্ড সদর থেকে মহাসড়ক হয়ে বাড়বকুণ্ড এলাকায় যাতায়াত করছে।

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The principle establishments of law | visaxpresbd.net

The principle establishments of law in industrialized nations are autonomous courts, agent parliaments, a responsible leader, the military and police, regulatory association, the lawful calling and common society itself. John Locke, in his Two Treatises of Government, and Baron de Montesquieu in The Spirit of the Laws, upheld for a partition of forces between the political, council and chief bodies. Their rule was that no individual ought to have the option to usurp all forces of the state, rather than the absolutist hypothesis of Thomas Hobbes Leviathan. Sun Yat-sen s Five Power Constitution for the Republic of China took the detachment of forces further by having two extra parts of government - a Control Yuan for inspecting oversight and an Examination Yuan to deal with the work of public authorities.

Max Weber and others reshaped thinking on the expansion of state. Current military, policing and administrative control over customary residents every day lives present extraordinary issues for responsibility that previous journalists, for example, Locke or Montesquieu couldn t have predicted. The custom and practice of the lawful calling is a significant piece of individuals admittance to equity, while common society is a term used to allude to the social establishments, networks and associations that structure law s political premise.

A legal executive is various appointed authorities intervening debates to decide result. Most nations have frameworks of allure courts, with a pinnacle court as a definitive legal power. In the United States, this authority is the Supreme Court; in Australia, the High Court; in the UK, the Supreme Court; in Germany, the Bundesverfassungsgericht; and in France, the Cour de Cassation. For most European nations the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg can overrule public law, when EU law is applicable. The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg permits residents of the Council of Europe part states

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Khoiyachora Waterfall is a hilly waterfall | visaxpresbd.net

Khoiyachora Waterfall is a hilly waterfall which is situated on the hills of Mirsharai, Chittagong, Bangladesh . Among many other waterfalls in Mirsarai upazila, such as Komoldoho Waterfall, Napittachora Waterfall, Napittachora Waterfall, Sahasradhara Waterfall, Jharjhari Waterfall etc., Khoiyachora waterfall and its corridor is one of the largest in this hilly belt. Dhaka-Chittagong highway on the north side of the Baratakia market at the Khoiyachora Union of Mirsharai Upazila. The location of the water is 4.2 kilometers east of it.

Due to the location of the fountain is in the mountains, it is not possible to reach at the top of the fountain directly by using any vehicle. It is possible to reach the village near the fountain using the Dhaka-Chittagong highway or on foot from the side or using local vehicles (e.g. CNG). But there is no arrangement for the rest of the road to reach the main stream of the fountain in the foothills of the hill, it is possible to reach there on foot only.

The Khoiyachora waterfall has a total of seven major waterfalls (cascade) and many isolated steps. Since the location of the fountain is in Khoiyachora union of Mirsarai Upazila, the waterfall has been named Khoiyachora Waterfall It is believed that the Khoiyachora Waterfalls, which is flowing almost 50 years ago.[6] It took time to discover its location for massless mountain areas and bushes. Again many people think that this fountain was created due to hilly diversions almost 50 years ago, before that there was no waterfall.The place is so beautiful then other spot.

Khoiyachora Waterfall is a bumpy cascade which is arranged on the slopes of Mirsharai, Chittagong, Bangladesh . Among numerous different cascades in Mirsarai upazila, for example, Komoldoho Waterfall, Napittachora Waterfall, Napittachora Waterfall, Sahasradhara Waterfall, Jharjhari Waterfall and so forth, Khoiyachora cascade and its hallway is one of the biggest in this uneven belt.

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Recent News (Per News Read = .30 Credits)

Great Student Discount insurance | visaxpresbd.net

What Is a Good Student Discount?

The term great understudy markdown alludes to an accident coverage strategy rebate accessible to youthful drivers who procure passing marks in school. This markdown expects that youthful drivers who are mindful with regards to their investigations are bound to be capable drivers. Accordingly, they have the right to pay lower protection expenses since they are more uncertain than teenagers with less than stellar scores to record a case with their insurance agency. A decent understudy markdown gives a motivating force to do well in school, as teens face probably the most noteworthy protection expenses.



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news added your vehicle Insurance | visaxpresbd.net

your vehicle Insurance Discover answers to your vehicle Insurance questions, including what strategy is ideal for you, Insurance rules, and estimating.

It s a sight that nobody needs to see. You re strolling back to your vehicle to go to your next objective and not too far off stuck under a windshield wiper is a long piece of paper. You promptly know what that implies—you ve quite recently gotten a stopping ticket. While your day might be destroyed, you can basically take comfort in realizing this ticket will littly affect your remaining as a driver.


Guarantors for the most part care about your wellbeing propensities a

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Insurance is an agreement | visaxpresbd.net

What Is Insurance?

Insurance is an agreement, addressed by an approach, where an individual or substance gets monetary security or repayment against misfortunes from an insurance agency. The organization pools customers dangers to make installments more moderate for the protected.

Insurance approaches are utilized to fence against the danger of monetary misfortunes, both of all shapes and sizes, that might result from harm to the safeguarded or her property.

How Insurance Works

There is a huge number of various kinds of Insurance arrangements accessible, and basically any individual or business can discover an insurance agency

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The principle establishments of law | visaxpresbd.net

The principle establishments of law in industrialized nations are autonomous courts, agent parliaments, a responsible leader, the military and police, regulatory association, the lawful calling and common society itself. John Locke, in his Two Treatises of Government, and Baron de Montesquieu in The Spirit of the Laws, upheld for a partition of forces between the political, council and chief bodies. Their rule was that no individual ought to have the option to usurp all forces of the state, rather than the absolutist hypothesis of Thomas Hobbes Leviathan. Sun Yat-sen s Five Power Constitution for the Republic of China took the detachment of forces further by having two extra parts of gover

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Standard law is a bunch of mandates | visaxpresbd.net

Standard law (from Greek kanon, a straight estimating pole, ruler ) is a bunch of mandates and guidelines made by religious power (Church authority), for the public authority of a Christian association or church and its individuals. It is the interior religious law administering the Catholic Church (both the Latin Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches), the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox temples, and the individual public holy places inside the Anglican Communion. The way that such church law is enacted, deciphered and on occasion arbitrated differs generally among these three collections of places of worship. In every one of the three practices, an ordinance was initially a sta

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