Pen tool is a part of Illustrator.Illustrator is a part of Grapics Design.pen tool is the most important tool in Illustrator.Now, I am going to telling you how to use this tool. *Actually we use the pen tool to create drawing paths. You can create custom shape and complicated curves that can be scaled accessing the expanded Pen tool,you can add delete and covert points on your drawing has 8 types.As 1.Ready to draw a path.2 Position over a path to add a point.3 position point over to remove a point. 4.Position point over end of an open path to countinue drawing that payh with the pan tool.5. Close a path.6. Countinue drawing a path 7.Position the pointrt over a point and the convert point icon appears. 8.When the ALT(Windows) or option (Mac OS) Key is held down , it converts to the convert Anchor point tool. *Its allow you to define your own anchor points, as well as adjust the curve associated with those anchors, simply by manipulating two control points associated with each anchor. In other words, to create a line, you first define two anchor points. THANK YOU
শৌখিনতায় একোয়ারিয়াম - visa xpress bd
একোয়ারিয়াম হচ্ছে বাসা বাড়ি সাজানোর একটি অসম্ভব সুন্দর ও শৌখিন একটি বস্তু হিসেবে পরিচিত।এটিকে সাধারণত এই যুগে রুম ডেকোরেশনের জন্য অনেক জনপ্রিয় একটি আসবাব এর আওতায় ফালানো হয়েছে। এটি জলচর প্রানী রাখার (মাছ অথবা অন্যান্য) বিশেষ ধরনের একটি জায়গা এবং এর মধ্যে এদের বেচে থাকার সকল ধরনের উপাদান সরবরাহ করা হয়। মানুষ শখের বশবর্তী হয়ে এতে অন্যান্য অনেক জলচর জিনিস ও রাখতে পারেন।আপাত চলমান ধারায় মাছ ই একোরিয়ামের আকষর্ণ ধরে রাখতে সর্বোচ্চ স্থানে অবস্থান করছে। একোয়ারিয়াম শব্দটি প্রাচীন ল্যাটিন ভাষা থেকে এসেছে যার "একোয়া" শব্দের অর্থ "জল" আর "আরিয়াম" অর্থ "একটি জায়গা"। সাধারনত একোয়ারিয়াম টি বাসায়, ব্যাবসা প্রতিষ্ঠানে,কলেজ,বিশ্ব্যবিদ্যালয়,অফিস যেকোন জায়গার শোভা বাড়িয়ে তুলতে অতুলনীয় ভুমিকা পালন করে।যিনি একোয়ারিয়াম সংরক্ষন করেন তাকে একোয়ারিস্ট বলা হয়ে থাকে। একো
Association with ethical quality and equity |
Meanings of law frequently bring up the issue of the degree to which law consolidates ethical quality. John Austin s utilitarian answer was that law is orders, supported by danger of assents, from a sovereign, to whom individuals have a propensity for acquiescence . Common legal advisors on the opposite side, like Jean-Jacques Rousseau, contend that law reflects basically good and unchangeable laws of nature. The idea of characteristic law arose in old Greek way of thinking simultaneously and regarding the thought of equity, and reappeared the standard of Western culture through the works of Thomas Aquinas, outstandingly his Treatise on Law.
When having finished the initial two pieces of his book Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes, which he proposed to be the finish of the whole work, Honoré de Balzac visited the Conciergerie. From that point, he chose to add a third part, at long last named Où mènent les mauvais chemins (The Ends of Evil Ways), altogether committed to portraying the conditions in jail. In this third part, he states:
The law is acceptable, it is important, its execution is poor, and the habits judge the laws dependent on the way wherein they are executed. (p.22)
Hugo Grotius, the organizer of an absolutely rationalistic arrangement of common law, contended that law emerges from both a social drive—as Aristotle had shown—and reason. Immanuel Kant accepted an ethical basic requires laws be picked like they should hold as general laws of nature .[46] Jeremy Bentham and his understudy Austin, following David Hume, accepted that this conflated the is and what should be issue. Bentham and Austin contended for law s positivism; that genuine law is completely discrete from profound quality . Kant was additionally reprimanded by Friedrich Nietzsche, who dismissed the standard of correspondence, and accepted that law exudes from the will to influence, and can t be marked as good or unethical .
In 1934
ভিসা কি?
ভিসা মানে অনুমতি পত্র । একটি দেশ অন্য কোন দেশী নাগরিককে তার দেশে অবস্থান ও প্রবেশ করার জন্য দিয়ে থাকে। বিভিন্ন কারণে আমাদের বিদেশ গমনের প্রয়োজন হতে পারে। আমাদের বিদেশ গমনের প্রয়োজনীয়তার উপর ভিত্তি করে আমাদেরকে সংশ্লিষ্ট ক্যাটাগরীর ভিসার জন্য আবেদন করতে হয়। সাধারণত ভিসা ছাড়া ভিন্ন দেশে প্রবেশ ও অবস্থান অবৈধ হিসাবে গণ্যহয়। পাসপোট বা ট্রাভেল পারমিটের কোন একটি পাতায় সীল বা স্টিকার লাগিয়ে ভিসার তথ্য প্রদান করা হয়। বিদেশী দূতাবাসগুলি ভিসা দিয়ে থাকে। দুটি দেশের মধ্যে দ্বি-পাক্ষিক চুক্তির ভিত্তিতে ভিসা ওয়োভার নীতি থাকতে পারে যে ক্ষেত্রে দুটি দেশ পরস্পরের জন্য ভিসা প্রথা স্থগিত রাখতে পারে। ভিসা একটি নির্দিষ্ট মেয়াদের জন্য দেয়া হয়। প্রথমত: ভিসা প্রদানের পর সর্বশেষ কোন তারিখের মধ্যে ঐ দেশে প্রবেশ করা যাবে তা ভিসায় উল্লিখিত থাক্ অপ
Kaptai Lake is the largest lake in Bangladesh |
Kaptai Lake is the largest lake in Bangladesh. It is located in the Kaptai Upazila under Rangamati District of Chittagong Division. The lake was created as a result of building the Kaptai Dam on the Karnaphuli River, as part of the Karnaphuli Hydro-electric project. the largest man-made freshwater body in Bangladesh. Though created primarily for hydroelectric power generation, it contributes to produce significant quantity of freshwater fishes, navigation, flood control and agriculture, etc.
The reservoir was created by damming the river KARNAFULI near KAPTAI town in the CHITTAGONG HILL TRACTS (Latitude 22°09 N and Longitude 92°17 E). The lake is confined within the hill district RANGAMATI and embraces the upazilas of Rangamati Sadar, Kaptai, Nannerchar, Langadu, Baghaichhari, Barkal, Juraichhari and Belaichhari. The H -shaped Kaptai Lake has two arms, joined by a narrow gorge near Shubalong, a part of the old Karnafuli river. Kasalong, the right arm of the lake, is fed by two streams, the Mayni and the KASALONG, in the north and laterally by the Karnafuli.
The left arm, Rangamati-Kaptai is fed by two streams, the Chengi in the north and the RINKHYONG in the south. The Karnafuli forms three prominent loops one at Rangamati, one at Dhuliachhari and the other at Kaptai. The Rangamati and the Dhuliachhari loops are now under the reservoir of the earth-filled DAM. The Kaptai Lake has drowned almost the whole of the middle-Karnafuli valley and the lower reaches of the Chengi, Kasalong and Rinkhyong rivers.
The shoreline and the basin of Kaptai Lake are very irregular. By the early 1990s, in its 30-year existence, it had already lost about 25% of its volume due to siltation. Apart from generation of hydroelectricity, the lake has become an important resource for some other considerations. It has created a diversified and long waterway. Many places that used to take a day or even more to reach have now become an hour s trip by speed
Khoiyachora Waterfall is a hilly waterfall |
Khoiyachora Waterfall is a hilly waterfall which is situated on the hills of Mirsharai, Chittagong, Bangladesh . Among many other waterfalls in Mirsarai upazila, such as Komoldoho Waterfall, Napittachora Waterfall, Napittachora Waterfall, Sahasradhara Waterfall, Jharjhari Waterfall etc., Khoiyachora waterfall and its corridor is one of the largest in this hilly belt. Dhaka-Chittagong highway on the north side of the Baratakia market at the Khoiyachora Union of Mirsharai Upazila. The location of the water is 4.2 kilometers east of it.
Due to the location of the fountain is in the mountains, it is not possible to reach at the top of the fountain directly by using any vehicle. It is possible to reach the village near the fountain using the Dhaka-Chittagong highway or on foot from the side or using local vehicles (e.g. CNG). But there is no arrangement for the rest of the road to reach the main stream of the fountain in the foothills of the hill, it is possible to reach there on foot only.
The Khoiyachora waterfall has a total of seven major waterfalls (cascade) and many isolated steps. Since the location of the fountain is in Khoiyachora union of Mirsarai Upazila, the waterfall has been named Khoiyachora Waterfall It is believed that the Khoiyachora Waterfalls, which is flowing almost 50 years ago.[6] It took time to discover its location for massless mountain areas and bushes. Again many people think that this fountain was created due to hilly diversions almost 50 years ago, before that there was no waterfall.The place is so beautiful then other spot.
Khoiyachora Waterfall is a bumpy cascade which is arranged on the slopes of Mirsharai, Chittagong, Bangladesh . Among numerous different cascades in Mirsarai upazila, for example, Komoldoho Waterfall, Napittachora Waterfall, Napittachora Waterfall, Sahasradhara Waterfall, Jharjhari Waterfall and so forth, Khoiyachora cascade and its hallway is one of the biggest in this uneven belt.
সীতাকুণ্ডে বাক প্রতিবন্ধী গৃহবধুর আত্মহত্যা ।
সীতাকুণ্ডে স্বামীর সাথে অভিমান করে গলায় ফাঁস খেয়ে মিতা দেবী (২১) নামের এক বাক প্রতিবন্ধী গৃহবধূ আত্মহত্যা করেছে। গৃহবধু মিতা সজল দেবনাথের স্ত্রী। তারা স্বামী-স্ত্রী দুইজনই বাক প্রতিবন্ধী। সোমবার বিকাল সাড়ে চারটার দিকে সীতাকুণ্ড পৌরসভার ৪নং ওয়ার্ডের প্রেমতলা এলাকায় এ ঘটনা ঘটে। পুলিশ লাশটি উদ্ধার করে মর্গে প্রেরণ করেছেন। সজল দেবনাথ একটি ট্রেইলারিং দোকানে সেলাই এর কাজ করে। তারা দীর্ঘদিন ধরে প্রেমতলা লিটন বৈদ্যর ভাড়া বাসায় থাকে। নিহত মিতা মীরসরাই উপজেলার ধুম ইউনিয়নের জহুরলাল নাথ এর মেয়ে। জানা যায়, দুপুরে স্বামী সজল দেবনাথ তার স্ত্রী মিতা দেবীকে বকাঝকা করে। পরে একসাথে দুপুরে ভাতও খায়। এরপর স্বামী কলেজ রোডে দোকানে চলে যায়। বিকাল ৪টার দিকে ঘরে এসে স্ত্রীর কোন সাড়া শব্দ না পেয়ে দরজা ভেঙ্গে দেখে ফ্যানের সাথে গলায় কাপড় পেঁছিয়ে স্ত্রী মিতা ঝুলে আছে। তাক
Rose water for skin care - visaxpress
Rose water is one of the regular skin regimen that is used throughout the world specially by the all ages of women.For thousands of years,it has been used topically in many ways to get the glowing and radiant skin.It contains 10-50% rose oil.Many individuals use rose water as their base skin care product as it is easily available and obtained randomly at every shopping mall or store.The most amazing thing about it that it can easily be prepaired at home in various process mainly bt steeping the rose petals.
As it is a plant based cosmetics,it is completely natural and leaves no hypoallergic reaction on the skin.It is 100% safe for all the skin types as it derived from nature,and works very prominently on the skin woithout causing any irritation.Rose water is even safe for those skin with hypersensitivity as it has no side-effects.
Besides,its several advantages in terms of skin care,it also works on small wounds and cuts.While using it on the dull and tired skin ,it helps to removes the dead cells and retain the skin moisture by hydrating the upper layer of the skin.
There are a number of ways of using rose water,people use it as per their need.Some effective ways of using rose water is
1. It can be used with some other natural beauty product to extend the effect such as with aloevera.
2.It can be used with glycerine to hydrate the skin.
3.It is also used with fullers earth which is another best skin care product.the mixture of fullers earth and rose water works as clay musk on the skin.
4.Or one can just use simply the rose water afyter washing the face with cotton pads as a toner.
Rose water has a huge number of beneficial facts that should be known before using it.Some of they are
1.It contains antioxidant and anti-aging property.
2.Maintains the PH balance on the skin.
3.Controls excess oil on the skin.
4.Reduce redness or itching on irritated skin.
5.Helps to treat simple acne
Great Student Discount insurance |
The term great understudy markdown alludes to an accident coverage strategy rebate accessible to youthful drivers who procure passing marks in school. This markdown expects that youthful drivers who are mindful with regards to their investigations are bound to be capable drivers. Accordingly, they have the right to pay lower protection expenses since they are more uncertain than teenagers with less than stellar scores to record a case with their insurance agency. A decent understudy markdown gives a motivating force to do well in school, as teens face probably the most noteworthy protection expenses.
Great understudy limits reward secondary school and school age drivers who procure passing marks with lower charges on their vehicle protection.
Singular insurance agencies that offer great understudy limits set their own rules for the level of the markdown and imperative grade-point normal.
Expenses are by and large higher for youthful guys since they will in general be more hazardous drivers than youthful females.
Finishing driver training, driving securely, staying away from mishaps and criminal traffic offenses, and piggybacking on a parent s arrangement are generally acceptable ways for youthful drivers to keep their charges low.
Customers buy accident coverage strategies to shield themselves against harms that come from crashes and different occasions. Policyholders are needed to pay standard charges to get inclusion. Drivers can record professes to alleviate the expenses related with fixes and vehicle substitution in case of a mishap. Protection is obligatory in each state aside from New Hampshire and Virginia.
Some insurance agencies offer an assortment of limits dependent on various elements, including great understudy limits. Organizations that offer this program set t